Wednesday, December 14, 2011

The Value of Music?

It's Tuesday night (errr, early Wednesday morning) and I'm studying for my astronomy final exam in less than 9 hours, listening to Spotify (which I just started using less than 3 days ago, basically) , checkin' Facebook- you know how it goes, college friends. In all of this, I discovered this little article posted by a friend of mine, about the value of music in our culture. I found it quite intriguing. The question is, as a culture: how much do we value art today?
I should go study, but I have a feeling I will be getting back to this. It's certainly sparked some curiosity in my mind.
So-what are your thoughts? How do you feel about art? Is each piece unique and valuable to you personally, or part of the scenery that surrounds us, like wallpaper-pretty but just there? Do you think about often what goes into the making of the art you enjoy? What about the relationship as a consumer/customer with the artist? What should that look like?

I look forward to your thoughts, friends! Until later....surviving 'til noon is the goal.

(And by the way....I might be done with Spotify. Or re-purposing it. Still thinking.)

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